Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

Nogi grappling in Kuwait?!

Arrived last weekend into Kuwait, and got situated into a temporary apartment while I search for a place to actually settle into.

Haven’t officially announced the big news of Kuwait Combat Athletics…however those announcements will come in time.

For the time being we’re waiting on a few things to finalize before we make any public press releases about my plans for expanding fitness, mma, grappling, and Muay Thai within the Middle East region and the country of Kuwait.

All of that said…I’m still training, keeping the sword and the shield sharp even during the off season :)

For the time being we’ve set some mats down at Khalid’s place and are getting some rolling done in the evenings.

Anyone in Kuwait interested in crosstraining with us, shoot me an email…I’m new here and looking for new friends :)