Friday, April 29th, 2011

new wrestling coach involved in a knife fight at Tiger Muay Thai….*look*

Yogi simon is a unique guy.  Honestly…if the world was going to end and I had to pick 5 people to put on my ‘A team’—believe it or not…HE MIGHT ACTUALLY be one of the 5 I selected.

He teaches the Krabi Kabong classes at Tiger Muay Thai along wit Kru Oh and really knows his weapons training.  I think weapons are a great martial art to discover because it builds hand eye coordination while establishing a sense of  being ambidextrous.

JJ did pretty well against simon.  The thing about knife fighting—is there is no way your going to win.  There is no winner.  Simon did many subtle things to protect himself.  Guarding his eyes, lowering his stance, rotating to the outside of the lead leg…simple things that he is able to explain in a fun environment that ‘worst case scenario’—could be useful to know.

When my fight career is over and my ‘JOB’ isn’t martial arts…weapon training has always been something of interest to me.  Kinda like the ‘band’ in highschool :)