Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010

My neck…my back…my neck and my back.

My Neck…My back…My Neck and my Back.

Today I got in a roll with one of the bigger students in class.  Nice guy…but prolly 130 kilos of muscle and 6’4.  Kinda reminds me of “The Rock”.  He’s a gentle giant…but very large.

Last week I went for an acupuncture treatment to alleviate some lower back pains I’ve been having …after my recess break with Goliath…My back felt more broken then ten commandments…lol.

Went for one hour back massage tonight…and am nursing it with some anti inflammatory,and muscle relaxers tonight.  Gonna see a Chiropractor this week.  Where is Dr. Kessler when you need him!?!?