Saturday, July 17th, 2010

My fight for ESPN is online

ESPN STAR Sports has uploaded my Martial Combat fight against Alan Fenandes on their website.  It is not the clean edited version that will be shown on TV in a couple of weeks…but it is something for the fans to be able to watch in the time being.

The end of the fight was a bit strange.  After all of the trash talking Alan cited a “Rib Injury” to the ref as I was about to pass his half guard and go into the mount.

When the bout started I refused to touch gloves, and after the “injury” I was upset and started yelling a few choice words at my opponent.  Singapore, a culture that puts a ton of value in good sportsmanship and respect felt I was inappropriate in my actions—and did a good job of letting me know as they Boo’d me on the mic after the win.

If you wanna watch my fight…you can do two ways.  On the right of the Media Player you can  “Search” and type in “Ray Elbe” or you can click on “Other Sports” and then click “MMA” and look for my bout.

To watch the fight click here.