Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010

My back…killing me softly

Okay…so I’ve been nursing a bad back for the past couple of weeks.  It’s a lower back pain, literally where my butt meets my back, and has been CRIPPLING!!

The pain is very intense and seems to become more painful if I “sit” too long.  The last few weeks my “treatment” has progressed.

First I started with just resting a few days, then progressed to 25 minutes of ice, eventually put “Tiger Balm” patches on at night, and then had several  hour long massages focusing on the lower back.

The other day I got the suggestion from one of my students to see an Osteopath/Homeopath office in Rawai, ran by a gentleman named Garnett Symonds from London.  At 1,500THB a session…I was apprehensive about going to the office after previous experiences with other “miracle workers” on the island turned  out to be less than succesful.

Having been a client of Dr. Kessler for several years while training in California…I was able to experience what professional treatment can do to an athletes career–and often had him help me out with injuries.

Anyways…today Garnett hooked it up with 15 mins of Electro-shock therapy.  Basically a small electric shock meant to stimulate the blood flow to the muscle.

following that he worked a few stretches, and then gave me a deep tissue massage loosing up several tight muscles.  He gave me a few exercises to continue this week and we scheduled a followup appointment for Friday at 1:00PM

Garnett suggested I stay off my back this week—so I took this evening off from teaching, and  have been “lying down” most of the afternoon.  Gonna take it light the rest of the week…and hopefully by Monday the back will be good as new :)

I was impressed with my first experience…and think the 1500thb was money well spent…now let’s see if it actually improves my sore back.