Monday, January 3rd, 2011

My ’30 day challenge’ and the consequence I’ve set for myself…

…Yeah—Yeah—Yeah…New Years…and with that is officially the end of the ‘holiday season’–and time for those difficult ‘new years resolutions’.

I’ve got several short and long term goals set up for 2011–and am currently in the process of journaling them.  These goals pertain to the gym, my fighting, teaching, romance, and general overall happiness/quality of living.

…One of my immediate short term goals…is to get my walk around weight down to 83-84 Kilos (where I’ve been told I look most handsome)…currently I’m a bit bigger–and prolly hitting the scales at around 90 kilos.  My diet has been full of sweets—and my weekends have had some monumental calorie intake—lol…(atleast I’ve switched to ‘light beer’)

…I’m planning on implementing a morning weight training session after I teach my grappling class—I always train in the 4pm session with pads/sparring/etc.—and I’m going to try and frequent the evening BJJ class for the rolling as often as my schedule will allow.

….As a fun little challenge to myself—I’ve also decided to drop alcohol for the next 30 days–*it will help me reach my weight loss goal a lot faster!…That includes the DEEP Macau fights, the BBQ Beatdown, and a few other social activities that are going to be a ‘test’ of the good ol’ fashion will-power.

…In the case that I am unable to ‘stay on the wagon—I’ve set a monetary consequence of donating 200USD to the Phuket Animal Warfare Society–a non profit organization saving lil’ ‘soi dogs’ all over the Island.  I was looking at ‘adopting a puppy from PAWS’ as an Xmas gift–but unfortunately was too busy to get it done in time.  Thailand has a ridiculous amount of homeless dogs–many of with need to be put down because they have been so poorly taken care of.  Those of you who are animal lovers—feel free to my donations of your own to PAWS =)