Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

MTV Cribs…Thailand style :)

Okay…so this video tour isn’t of my house—but it is of a place I spend a lot of time at.

Decided to film a quick video tour of the Tiger Muay Thai MMA Gym today from my Iphone.  Some of you guys haven’t been here in awhile…and the facility has really improved over the last couple of years. Some of the UFC fighters who have been through TMT include; Roger Huerta, Mike Swick, Jon Fitch, Alan Belcher, Phil Baroni, Dave Menne, Elvis Sinosic, James Te Huna, and many more.

The nice thing about the gym is that it offers Muay Thai-Boxing-Krabi Kabong-Yoga- Bodyfit-Kettlebells and weights-Gi grappling-Nogi-MMA….really just an entire training schedule…allowing you to pick and choose what interests you…(Kinda like College…but less homework)

The ability to work out several times a day—combined with the healthy meal plan options…has made TMT a popular place for guest looking to lose weight and get back in shape—having 5 separate training areas it ensures the gym can put training partners together who have similar goals….so if your a cardio fitness type or if your a “TRAIN UFC” type…TMT has a place for you :)

**Bout to head to bed—early day of training tomorrow.