Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

More MMA in the Middle East!!

MMA in the Middle East is getting to be a big deal!!!

Seems like every weekend there are several shows all within an hour flight from one another. With 4000+ showing up to the last GFC show in Kuwait…it doesn’t seem to only be in Dubai and Jordan either!

This weekend I’m being flown in by KO Promotions and the WBC to help with a ref clinic for prospective MMA refs and judges.

Then following the educational course in Dubai…Ill be heading back to Abu Dhabi to compete at their Nogi Cup…which now has 14 players in my division—with that many competitors it would have been nice if they added more weight classes–or had a black belt only division…but this is the life we chose…lol.

Lots of networking to get done, and inshallah I will have a strong performance in Abu Dhabi.

Those of you in Dubai…if you have time come check out the show this weekend…it will be a mixed event with Muay Thai, K1 and MMA…so there will be something for everyone in the crowd!
