Thursday, December 9th, 2010

More cake please :)

Well…the holiday’s are here…and with it the ‘few extra holiday pounds’—lol.

I have been nursing a few nagging injuries, and enjoying my down time after the extensive Martial Combat season.  I’m still training everyday–but some workouts are modified due to injury, and my focus is more on drilling and repetition instead of speed and strength lately. ..LOL~~>OKAY…EXCUSES ASIDE…I’ve been enjoying the holidays and have started getting a bit fat :P

Well…Birthday’s…really aren’t good days for the diet.  It started with dinner last night at Joe’s Downstairs.  I manhandled an amazing Australian Beef hamburger (believe it or not…most ‘beef’ in Thailand is ‘water buffalo’ ).  I had some french fries, and then washed it down with a few adult beverages.

…Waking up today—it became obvious that everyone in the world thinks I’m a fat kid…as I was presented with a slice of the world’s richest cake for breakfast!

I skipped out on Morning training–and treated myself to breakfast at the Kamala Bakery.  It was really good.  This afternoon however, Tiger Muay Thai was having a seminar by Alliance BJJ Black Belt Wanderley Filho of Campinas Brazil, which I wanted to attend.  Wanderley has been doing BJJ for 20+ years and besides running his own academy also promotes MMA fights in Brazil.

When I got to the gym…there was another cake in the office from my friend Siri.  It looks absolutely delicious!—Drewsaki is going to take me out for dinner…his treat…and I’m thinking of sticking him with Pizza.  ERM….the diet is going to have to start Monday :)