Monday, April 7th, 2014

MMA Treadmill Workout: Video

Okay, here is a 30 minute treadmill workout I’ve been doing.

5 minutes, light jog

3 rounds of 5 mins. Each exercise 60 seconds.

-1 min forward stance

-1 min side squat/shuffle

-‘1 min backwards stance

-1 min side squat/shuffle

-1 min skip knee

= 5 min round. repeat 3 times.

(20 mins in)- 5 min jog, 10 squat jumps ever minute for a total of 50

25Min–Sprint as fast as long as you can.

–30 min finish out the time from your sprint with a slow steady walk.

**I’ve enjoyed this workout recently, and its easy to modify it with speed, elevation, combinations, stances, etc.