Sunday, February 13th, 2011

MagicalRay seminar April 2nd-3rd Johannesburg South Africa…

I’m gonna be back on the seminar tour again next month…this time with a stop at the Titan Fight Club in Johannesburg South Africa.

The founding members of Titan Fight club are Tiny Strauss, Speed Van der Byl, Leon Verster and Ryan De Vasconsellos. All of the partners specialized in various forms of combat and they train everyone from beginner to professional.

Originally I was going to give my seminar and corner Tiger Muay Thai alumni Wade Henderson for his EFC-Africa Extreme Fighting Championship bout…however the date of the EFC event has been rescheduled for April 14th–which will make it impossible for me to attend.  I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about the EFC promotion…and was really looking forward to seeing the show live.

I have been told that Fighters Only Magazine has a South African edition which will feature an in depth interview of me following the seminar.

I’ve given seminars in the USA, Canada, Singapore, India, Mexico, and now South Africa…anyone else interested in trying to network a seminar can contact me directly for details.