Thursday, May 13th, 2010

MagicalRay on ESPN :)

I’m off to ESPN Studio’s today to record a segment for a reality TV show they produce.

I don’t know much about the show–It’s suppose to be a “Gamer” show…which features the latest Video Games for PC, Playstation, etc…

All the producers have told me is that I’ll be expected to play a “professional gamer”.  LOL.  I haven’t owned a game console since my original Nintendo back in the day. *Which my mom bought me when “Super Nintendo” was the thang to have…thanx mom :P

Anyways–should be a fun afternoon…and I’ll never turn down added exposure.

*For those of you not in Asia—I’ll try to get a copy of my segment and upload it onto Youtube.

After filming–I’ll have a couple of hours back at the hotel before heading to Resorts World for my second day of commentating the Martial Combat event.  Ngoo Ditty will be the first fight of the night.