Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

Looks like i’ve picked a fight…

Fighting tomorrow at Bangla stadium.

It’s been a year since I’ve stepped in the ring and before my superfight for Martial Combat in July…I figured it would be good to shake a lil’ ring rust off.

I don’t know much about my Thai opponent…he fought UFC vet Chad Reiner earlier this year losing in the fourth round in a pro Muay Thai fight.

TMT’s king cup-queen cup veteran Cyrus Washington KO’d him a few weeks ago…but Cyrus is a veteran of 50+ Thai fights–so that doesn’t tell me much.

I’ve been sick the past few days with a fever—but I think I’ll be fine by tomorrows fight time.

Fights signed…and I can’t cram in anymore training…so it’s time to fight–and god willing I’ll finish this bout injury free with another win.