Sunday, January 2nd, 2011

Looks like I’m going to be a stepdad!!

…Not really sure why my house is starting to resemble a petting zoo? I like pets…but truthfully travel too much to ever take care of an animal full time. (Next weekend I’m off to Macau to watch the DEEP event)

These two lil’ puppies just showed up at my house a few weeks ago.  They are cute–but needed a bath.  Today..Drew and myself gave them a quality bath and let them come into the apartment for a little bit while they dried off.  They got some food in their bellies, played for awhile, and when I finally kicked them outside….they were so tired…they fell asleep on the porch!

**Tha lil’ Kitty who has been hanging out at my house has accepted the dogs into the family—although they get swatted from time-to-time when she gets too bothered…lol**