Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

Look what I found at Home Pro today!!

*BOOM*…got my weed eater back from Home Pro today!!  The thing cost me about 30$—and is the weakest backyard gardening tool any man could possibly own…lol.  The thing literally caught fire last week in my back yard….finding out it was still under warranty…I brought it back…and a week later…they called me to pick up a new replacement Weedwacker :)

*When’s the last time you had something break that was still under warranty!?

Hooking the homie Noah up with one of my world famous Blueberry- Spirulina- Oatmeal- Cocunut Water- Protein shakes for lunch…he felt so thankful…that he decided to get his garden on while I was running a few afternoon errands.