Wednesday, May 19th, 2010

Long Live The King

As the old saying goes…”Home is where the heart is”.

Thailand might not be “my country’…but I moved here almost 3 1/2 years ago–and it has become my home—so much…that during my trips to the USA—I find myself missing Thailand, anxious to return from my vacation–and back to the land of smiles.

For the past two months the city of Bangkok has been filled with protests–some peaceful–but more recently…some violent.

The protests, have divided Thai people…and have caused many people to “pick a side”.  After having the financial district of BKK crippled–and threatening to bankrupt the tourism that is so important to the Thai economy–the government felt it was time for a “Crackdown” on the protesters.

Today that crackdown occurred. Military personnel moved into the protest site with tanks and soldiers, eventually arresting the “red shirt leaders” who have been fueling the protests.

Red Shirts–upset that the leaders ended the rally…have set the city of BKK on fire–torching banks, vandalizing and looting shops, even burning Asia’s second largest mall into flames.

…I am very fortunate to live in Phuket.  Phuket is a 15 hour bus ride from BKK…and being in the south, we have been removed from most of the protests.  My day to day life–has been unaffected, however I have many friends who need your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

Tonight there is a curfew in BKK, and many Providences in Thailand–

–before I go to bed…I pray that everyone in Thailand regardless of “Color” realizes that we need to find a peaceful compromise to the delicate situation that has so negatively affected the “land of smiles”.  Now that the crackdown has occurred–and the protesters have left the rally site…one can only hope that the nation can begin to repair itself through peaceful communication and genuine compromise. Democracy is depending on it.

To read up to date info on the situation click here