Thursday, August 5th, 2010

Living in Asia one of the things i miss is…

Good Mexican food. Living in Phoenix and California I KNOW what good mexican food should taste like.

Here in Phuket I’ve tried several Mexican retaurants–usually suggested by some Aussie, Brit, or Irish tourist…and I’ve been disappointed everytime (how do they KNOW what Mexican food taste like?!?!)

I remember being in College–leaving the club…and heading straight to the nearest Romero’s, Filiberto’s or whatever other pisando joint was nearby. I’d usually order a Carne Asada (or two) with a large Horchatta to drink.

….I wish I could get Unlimited Macayos chips and salsa here in Thailand!

Anyways–thanx to John Jon-tha freakin reacin’ for the Crystal Light flavored horchatta…while it doesn’t taste 100% like back home…after being without for half a year…it taste pretty close!!!!

This rice-cinnamon drink is delecious!!!