Friday, May 14th, 2010

Listen to my commentary on the ESPN STAR SPORTS Broadcast!!!

The early cut versions of the ESPN STAR SPORTS Event Martial Combat are available online…FOR FREE.

I have commentated several MMA fights before—but admittedly it has been 5 or 6 years since I’ve been behind the microphone calling the action on the bouts in the cage.  I was a bit nervous during the first day–but my partner Steve Dawson did an excellent job of guiding me through the process, until the “ring rust” wore off…lol.

Quick apology to “The Voice of MMA”  Micahel Schiavello…LOL–I “borrowed” his catch phrase “Good Night Irene” on two occasions during the broadcast.  Honestly—not sure how that phase came out of my mouth…LOL…but by the time it was said—it was already done :)

In preparation to the commentary position–I spent a good amount of time actively listening to different commentators I feel do a good job announcing fights—and I guess I was unknowingly brainwashed “by the Voice of MMA”.

Day 1 was a great event- Ole laursen of Legacy Gym won the superfight belt, and Wiktor Svennson of Tiger Muay Thai put the fighter from Corea to ZZZZzzzzzZZZZzzzzz Sleep :)

Day 1 fights

Day 2 showcased two fighters “repping” TMT- David Gardner of Team Quest, and Ngoo Ditty.

Day 2 fights

…If your having a hard time viewing the fights on those links…you can try *Searching : “Martial Combat” here

****Any feedback—positive or negative on my commentating would be appreciated–like anything else in life—I’m just looking to gain experience and continue improving****