Saturday, October 9th, 2010

Let’s keep it simple then…

Tiger Muay Thai has been working on it’s own “Smart Phone” apps…something for HTC, Iphone, Blackberry and all the other hand -held- crack dispensers, we use to get our fix. …We were trying to run through some ideas for a few instructionals a few months back—and here is the footage of one of the break downs…

I think eventually if were going to do an instructional it will need to be professionally shot in a studio setting—>but this isn’t a bad “sneak peak” @ what we would be trying to achieve.

The categories would be broken down into Beginner-Intermediate-Advance, and cover punch-kick,elbow-knee strikes, combinations, ring strategy…and other important aspects of Muay Thai. Kru Nazee is demonstrating the proper stance and weight distribution for Muay Thai at a beginner level of comprehension in this video.