Thursday, August 26th, 2010

Last nights MMA fight in Thailand is now online…

Dang—Danny Baci does a good job of getting the videos online…this fight was less than 24 hours ago!!

D-Baucheryfilms offers a video service to the guest of Tiger Muay Thai.  Anyone interested in documenting their training trip to TMT can purchase various packages including; Highlight videos, training mini-documentaries, and professional photos.  The services are affordable, and the memories captured are priceless.  D-Baucheryfilms is very popular however, and guest thinking of using the services are strongly suggested to contact PRIOR to their arrival, to ensure that they get scheduled for a film session.

Congrats to Ed for capturing the fight last night, the suplex he landed was AMAZING.  Ari showed great determination in continuing to fight through that huge slam, and will continue to improve with more ring-time experience.