Sunday, March 2nd, 2014

#kuwaitis changing the world! @oxadventure #OXadventure

While at the Qout market today I ran into Nora, she is a girl I met when I first moved to Kuwait as she did an interview on myself and Combat Athletics. She told me about her newest project, OXadventure.

OXadventure is a project started by 3 Kuwaiti youth with a specific vision of influencing the youth of Kuwait to begin making positive changes to the world.  Working with local high schools, companies, universities, and the general public, the people of OXadventures are helping renovate homes of various genocide survivors while helping university students prepare for future job interviews, and develop adequate CV resumes.

This upcoming summer they will be touring Rwanda and in between their community service projects, will get an opportunity to learn first hand about the tragic history of the country.  Spending two weeks in Kigali Rwanda they are already looking for volunteers interested in making a change.

Anyone interested in finding out more, or seeing exactly what they can do to help this wonderful campaign shoot an email to

Be sure to follow their instagram for more updates

Having already put together programs to help those in need due to the Syrian crisis, and organizing assistance in Sri Lanka, this group has a worthy cause of change and it is refreshing to see young Kuwaiti’s standup for change globally.