Wednesday, October 16th, 2013

Kuwait the 4th unfriendliest destination in the world for Tourist!?

Last night while training my women’s BJJ Class at Inspire Fitness, one of the students mentioned that Kuwait was recently ranked #4 by CNN for National Tourist destinations.  According to CNN the top 10 least friendliest destinations for tourist were…

1. Bolivia
2. Venezuela
3. Russian Federation
4. Kuwait
5. Latvia
6. Iran
7. Pakistan
8. Slovak Republic
9. Bulgaria
10. Mongolia

I found it interesting looking at the rankings, as I’ve really only visited Russia when I went back in 2007 to fight for Draka.  I have met several nice people during my 7 months here in Kuwait, however I would have to agree that the general population is very reserved and stand-off-ish.  Simply smiling at someone or saying hello to a stranger you pass on the street will often get you a funny ‘do you know me bro’ type of look in reply.

Part of traveling and living around the world is discovering new cultures however, and I have enjoyed my time so far in Kuwait, and the more familiar I get with the Do’s and Dont’s of the region, the easier I am finding the transition to living.

Those of you interested in the top 10 friendliest destinations,

1. Iceland
2. New Zealand
3. Morocco
4. Macedonia, FYR
5. Austria
6. Senegal
7. Portugal
8. Bosnia and Herzegovina
9. Ireland
10. Burkina Faso

I generally believe your experience really depends on what type of energy you put out.  I don’t think lists like this are completely accurate, as I have met several friendly people during my time in Kuwait.  Looking at the friendliest places for foreigners to visit, I think Morocco has been bumped up my list of vacation destinations!