Sunday, December 21st, 2014

Know someone struggling this holiday season financially?!…I want to help.

Okay, I’ve been thinking about this for a few days, and have finally decided to put this blog entry up.

Christmas is a wonderful time of year, a time where friends and families come together to help one another and enjoy each other’s company, often making priceless memories that will last a lifetime. This year I am fortunate enough to be blessed with both my health and family, something just 2 years ago I couldn’t say.

The holidays are also a time of year where people who don’t have much…are reminded of that.

While most families are out buying presents for their kids, or planning a special holiday vacation to some exotic travel destination for the new year—there are many people struggling just to keep the lights on, and to put food on their tables.

This season I want to find a real opportunity to help someone who needs it. This person might not be in a position where they feel comfortable asking for a hand, but they genuinely could use some assistance.

I’m seeking someone who needs a bill paid, or urgently needs help covering an expense that they don’t know where the $$ is going to come from, someone who is of good moral character and just needs that little assistance to get through the holidays.

I’m NOT looking for someone who wants to sign up for Muay Thai lessons, but can’t afford it because they spent their money at the bar watching the most recent UFC.

While I am far from “rich”, life always seems to provide Me with enough and I think it’s important to remember there are always people with less.

I am looking for someone who just needs a little help, someone who is genuinely trying and has just fallen on difficult times.–this person can be old or young. They can be working or unemployed, they can be from any country in the world, all I ask is that they are in need and when they get back on their feet, that they pay it forward with an act of kindness. I don’t actually have to know the person.

My budget is 200$. If you, or someone you know is really down on your luck and struggling this holiday season, send me a short email explaining the situation to I will review every email personally and pick the person I feel needs the help the most. Your email will remain private and the person who receives my help will also remain anonymous…If nobody emails me…then the money will be donated to a charity that helps under privileged families in need.

If you know someone in a situation–or if you yourself really needs some help this holiday season, contact me.

I hope everyone has a wonderful end to their holiday season, and am really excited to see the changes 2015 are going to be bring.
