Friday, October 8th, 2010

Khao Lham…Arroy Mak Mak :)

While there are many Thai desserts that are extremely delicious, khao lham is prolly my favorite.

To make Sticky Rice they soak it for 24 hours before boiling it.  The rice is then mixed with sugar and cocunut milk, and  and sometimes has red beans mixed in before being stuffed into a cut bamboo shoot.

The knot of the bamboo stalk is kept at one end to keep the rice in the bamboo and a bit of banana leaf is place at the other end for the same reason. The bamboo stalks are placed upright over a bed of hot charcoal and cooked.

The vendors usually have a hammer or small ax to break open the bamboo when you buy  Khao Lham…but Don Madge is such a legit ninja that he broke it open with his bare hands….lol

The rice, coconut milk, and sugar make khao Lham very filling, which is why we all had to take some for lunch ;)