Sunday, January 11th, 2015

Jon Jones is in love with the CoCo

Okay unless you’ve been living under a rock, following Jon Jones win over Cormier last week, it was revealed he failed a random drug test…For Cocaine!!!

Cocaine is one of the fastest drugs to leave the system next to alcohol with a shelf life of 48-72 hours (2-3 days) that it’s traceable in your system.

Failing the drug test before the fight, for a non “PED”–the news was kept quiet till after his fight (and his announced sponsorship with Reebok)

Seeing as how the UFC took a fighter like Matt Riddle off the roster after multiple failed drug tests for a medical use exemption with Marijuana, I find it hypocritical that they would promote the Jon Jones scandal as an opportunity to help him. The miracle of Twitter allows us to go back and read exactly what he was doing 2-3 days prior to the test…which just so happened to be a trip to Brazil.

While Jon Jones is young and making mistakes, you can’t help but wonder if Chael Sonnen and other had already heard the rumors of drug abuse when he stepped on stage at the weigh ins drinking what else…a coke for his fight against Jones.

Hopefully Jones is smarter about his recreational use of drugs, as millions of kids (expanding even more with Reeboks help) are looking at him as an example of an athlete they inspire to be. It will be interesting to see how the UFC handles the latest news about their P4P champion.
