Tuesday, February 28th, 2012

*Jeff Glover* Nogi grappling seminar coming to @tigermuaythai in April *ABSOLUTE MUST ATTEND*

BOOM!!! Thank you so much BJJ-Asia!!

I have been a fan of Jeff Glover for a very long time….living on the westcoast I’ve gotten an opportunity to see him compete a ton…and everytime he’s on the mat its an exciting match to watch!

Considered one of the best American born BJJ players in the world—Jeff Glover is author to the DEEP HALF-GUARD DVD and host to the Glover’s travels a popular online video tour of many of the top academies in the world.

**THIS SEMINAR IS GOING TO BE SICK**—-Exact date-cost- and time hasn’t been confirmed yet—but tentatively we are looking at a date in April between the 15 – 18th…

If your planning on being here for Songkran…you BETTER ATTEND this seminar. Glover is a must attend for anyone–and the fact that he’s on this side of the world..makes it a once in a lifetime training experience for many of you…

He’s a World Nogi Champion, a 2x Pan American champion, a 2x ADCC veteran….and has won more Grappler’s Quest events than I can count!!!