Thursday, September 2nd, 2010

I’ve never had this problem until….

Growing up as a kid…I never really suffered from Allergies or Sinuses.

This past Xmas when I went back home to the states for a visit, I stopped into Siege MMA several times to train.  During one of the visits UFC Vet Joe Riggs needed a sparring partner as he prepared for a STRIKEFORCE bout with Jay Heiron.  Jumping in for a few rounds of sparring, he hit me with a powerful straight left and smashed my nose up pretty good.

My nose had been fractured several weeks prior when Bernueng Sakhomsin (former Rajadamnern Champion) used my head as a sock puppet…but after Riggs got ahold of me…I was unable to breathe.

Checking with the DR. in the states they wanted 10,000$ to complete the procedure.  My nasal canal was almost completely smashed shut, and I was only able to receive about 6% of air flow through my left nostril.  Heading back to Thailand I continued to shop, and finally found a DR who would complete the operation for something “Affordable”.

For about 90,000THB the DR. put me up for 2 nights in the hospital and hammered a passage of air through my nose.  They removed all the extra bone and cartilage and gave me back the ability to breath through my nose instead of my mouth.

The operation was a success, and after a long 12 weeks without sparring, I was back in action.  Martial Combat, the promotion I fought for in July was kind enough to delay my May bout, to give me enough time to train properly.  Instantly I noticed food tasted better, my cardio stamina improved dramatically, and for the first time in my life…I knew what a “deep breath” of fresh air was suppose to feel like.

The only side effect—it seems like the change in weather…actually effects my sinuses more after the surgery.  Lately it has been raining almost everyday here, and my nose has been running constantly.  With the snorting—(Gross I know!!!)—I’ve had Flem dropping into my chest, giving me a bit of a cough on top of the other symptoms.  Overall I don’t think the fact that I had the procedure done in “Thailand” has anything to do with the fact that I’ve noticed a change in my allergies and sinus problems…however—I have to wonder if the operation is the cause….I mean…as a kid I rarely had any issues–