Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

It ain’t the whitehouse it’s #buckinghampalace

Hard to believe I’m an American…but I’ve never seen the White House in person…LOL.

Since 1837 Buckingham palace has been the official residence of the British monarch…that’s right…1837!!! Originally known as the Buckingham House, the residence was actually privately owned since 1702…some 80+ years before the White House was even a thought.

Bianca planned my visit to Buckingham palace perfect and we got an opportunity to see ”proppa” British tradition with the changing of the guard ceremony outside Buckingham Palace.

Watching the Guards exchanging their duty was cool, as the entire ceremony was set to a live marching band playing music as the two detachments guarding The Buckingham Palace and St. James’s Palace wore their red coats and bearskin hats
marching in perfect unison.
