Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010

I’m in the business…or Biiizzznnnneeettthhhh…

I got that fire :)

…LOL~~>re-working some inventory for the T-shirts, and I had to head to Tesco Lotus to pick up a few organizing containers.  Noticed Lotus (kinda like Walmart for the Yanks reading the blog)….was having a sale on the containers I wanted.  Picked up 30 of these crates to put the 17 differet Tiger Muay Thai and MMA Phuket designs we currently sale in the gear shop.

Everyone in the office has really helped out with the re-vamping of the TMT Gear Shop.  Jade is developing an inventory spread sheet, while Ann and a few of the other  girls are continuing to help with organizing and accounting of product.  I’m really impressed with the amount of pride the staff has taken with getting the Gear shop ready.