Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

I’m gonna be a DAD!!!…


Those of you who haven’t heard the update—After moving to my new house…the dog refused to stay at home.  I attempted to fence the yard so she could stay confined–however ‘Negra’ continuously chewed through the fencing–and wrecked havoc in the neighborhood…eating trash, pooping in other peoples yards, generally acting like a Thailand ‘Soi Dog’.

—At my wits end—I dropped her off at the Temple…a very ‘Thai thing’ to do.  I figured if this dog–who was an orphan and showed up at my house–didn’t want to stay with me–even after I got it all of its puppy shots…and fixed its broken leg…then maybe it was destined to be a ‘soi dog’.

—Several months went by after ‘Negra’ moved to the Temple–when I was sitting at a red light–on my motorbike.  Waiting for the light to turn green…I was dumbfounded when ‘Ol Negra’ came running up to my bike…jumping for joy, recognizing me instantly.

**Noticing she was probably pregnant**—I rode my bike home, as she ran along side trying to keep up…getting to the house…I left her and went to training.

—since that day…she has been ‘getting set’ to have puppies…

When I left for the gym today in the morning…I noticed the dog was missing. Coming home in the afternoon…I called for her—and after a few minutes she appeared.  This evening after practice—again no puppy.  Calling out for her…she never came.

…Grabbing a flashlight I began looking for her…only to find her ‘nested’ under a tree, with a GANG of puppies.

TODAY was probably the WORST DAY to have a liter of puppies outside.  It literally rained for 16 hours straight.

Bringing the dogs in from outside—I discovered she had a liter of 7 puppies. 2 of them were already dead when I discovered them :(

…Tomorrow after the AM practice I will be bringing the 5 puppies, and their mom to the vet for a checkup.  I’m crossing my fingers that everything is going to be okay—and that we do not lose any more dogs :(

…Anyone in Phuket…if your interested in a puppy…Holla at me—In a few weeks when they are strong enough…I’m gonna have some puppies to give away *BOOM*…