Thursday, February 10th, 2011

…I’m almost in tears :(

Now I remember why I don’t own pets!!!

Those of you that follow my blog…have seen me talk about ‘Blanca and Negra’ the white and black dogs that just showed up outside of my house one day. These two little puppies—are Soi Dogs…meaning no one ‘really’ owns them…however…I’ve been feeding them (just like all the neighbors)…but I took the initiative to bring them to the vet and get their initial puppy shots started.—even bought them collars!!

Blanca…the white dog has been missing for a couple of days.

I kept hoping she would turn up…but it’s been over 72 hours without a citing…and I’m beginning to think she’s gone for ever.  My Russian neighbors told me that she kept trying to follow them as they walked to work and that they believe she was probably hit by a car.

The lil’ black puppy has been sad the past few days…and has almost stopped eating completely.

Even though I haven’t owned these dogs long…I’ve become attached to them…and have caught myself feeling a bit sad that the the lil’ white puppy is gone.

….Guess We will have to show some extra affection to the lil’ black puppy while she mourns the loss of her sister :(