Tuesday, January 4th, 2011

If you play now…your going to pay later…

Okay so these two lil’ orphaned dogs are still hanging around.  The landlord has now accepted them as ‘part of the property’—and after a few good lashings with a tree branch, has stopped beating the puppies every time he sees them.  I was searching for a blog about Thai dogs and found an interesting read—which will give you some insight as to why the owner doesn’t particularly want stray puppies hanging around.

…I’ve decided that as long as the dogs stick around–I’ll give them a bath once a week…Which–I’m pretty sure makes me a pet owner?—-even though…all of my other neighbors also feed the puppies…and they are often found sleeping at their doorsteps!?

**If I am an owner–I need to get someone to help me bring these lil’ ones down to the Vet. and get their ‘puppy shots’—I also need to start thinking of names for these two trouble making–shoe chomping–dirt digging–monsters!~~~>any suggestions for something ‘fitting’?!

I don’t let the dogs into my house very often–however when I poured some food for them today I brought it into the  air conditioning and let them eat/play for about 20 mins while I showered and checked a few emails.

…These two lil’ heathens are now passed out. *I think I’ll let them stay inside as long as they keep napping ;)