Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

If you missed this…you missed out!!

Royce Gracie.

two words.  Those two words…inspired a hobby…that grew into a passion…that eventually turned into a career.  Royce Gracie was the vehicle that brought Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to the minds of people around the world.  BJJ—and MMA have quickly become the fastest growing sport in the world.

BJJ showed that timing, and technique could replace power and strength in a fight.  It showed that “out smarting your opponent” was better than bullying him.  I owe so much to the sport of BJJ–and MMA.  I owe so much to the Gracie family.

For the second year in-a-row Tiger Muay Thai hosted Royce Gracie.  It’s an honor and a privileged to bring  the very first UFC Champion to my academy and have him share his knowledge with my students.  Anyone who missed the opportunity—really missed a once-in-a-lifetime chance.

…Guess there is next year…. have to wait till Nov. 2011 to meet the legend in Phuket :)