Saturday, August 21st, 2010

I want to suck your blood!!!

Thanx to Dr. Sonchai of the Phuket International Hospital.  My elbow has been pretty swollen for 3-4 days now, and I needed the excess fluid drained.  I figured I could “probably” do it myself…however since I wasn’t sure if it was infected…or had a small fracture…I figured I would let the professionals do it.

Sonchai took a needle to the arm, and relieved some of the pressure/swelling.  I have a follow up appointment next Saturday.  He recommended I keep the elbow wrapped and start a cycle of antibiotics to prevent infection.

The entire visit, including antibiotics only cost me 1,900THB.  Anyone wondering about the “standard” of health care in Thailand…the hospital is very clean, effective, and efficient.  I’ve always been impressed by the care given.