Friday, July 30th, 2010

I hate when i do this..

Every week I set myself a spending allowance. I try to cover my food, entertainment, and what ever other expeditures I have with this budget.

I’m usually pretty good with sticking to the plan…but occasionally over-spend (guess you can tell I’m American)

Anyways…today’s Friday and I had to stop by the bank to take out a lil’ cash before it closed for the weekend.

Muhsin Corbbrey is fighting a “falang” at the Thai boxing stadium tonight–and tomorrow is BBQ Beatdown.

Instead of skipping out on the fun…I took out a lil’ pocket change so I could enjoy Muhsin’s last weekend in Phuket.

LOL @ the clerk telling me she was “Shy”—>then looking at my bank account and calling me “Handsom man”…good ol’ Thailand :)