Monday, May 17th, 2010

I can’t believe it…I have crabs…

And–they freaking taste AMAZING!!

Fresh steamed crab from the night market–170lbs here I come!!

This plate of crab cost me 40THB–roughly $1.40

The green sauce you see in the lid of the container is a spicy green seafood sauce.

The only problem with steam crab…is all the work it takes just to get a lil’ bit of meat.  BUT—The hard work is well worth it when it melts in your mouth.

It’s funny—I worked for Red Lobster back in the day—but before that job…I HATED SEAFOOD.   Since living in California, and now Phuket…Seafood is easily one of my favorite dishes.  I prolly eat fresh seafood 4-5 times a week.