Friday, June 11th, 2010

Hemroid Hill…UGH!!

Cardio…Cardio…Cardio.  Cardio makes cowards out of all of us.

I’m heading to Singapore on Tuesday–which means this week is going to be an “Extra” couple of days of training.  I’m going to push through the weekend and get in training both Saturday and Sunday (usually my rest day).  Monday will be training as usual and then Tuesday I’ll have a light day–rolling with some of the students after the seminar.

Twice a week Randy is having me run “Hemroid Hill”.  This hill is pretty tough to complete.  I run 5 times to the top, turning around and walking back down the hill.  He has a complete running program designed for me–which has me running 6 days a week–in addition to my padwork, sparring, and wrestling.

Once I get back from Singapore, Wiktor will be covering my morning Grappling Class…allowing me the ability to take a private Thai lesson in the morning, before lunch, and then adding in an additional weight training session before my afternoon “MMA” and “Cardio” sessions.  When I get back from Singapore I will be 4 weeks out from my Championship Fight…so it will be crunch time.

85 Kilos after training today.  That is down almost 6 kilos from Monday, a drop of over 12lbs.  Hard Work Pays off!!