Sunday, August 7th, 2011

Helping out another fighter…*Read and Repost RT* @tigermuaythai

…Grainne of the Lotus Medical team has been working with TMT to create new outreach opportunities for the gym.

Grainne deals mostly with medical tourism…however she has developed a great relationship with lots of  leading hospitals and surgeons around the country of Thailand, many of these Doctors are considered industry leaders.  Thailand is one of those destinations where you can still find top medical standards….however because it’s in Southeast Asia the prices are significantly lower.

**Example…when I broke my nose–it was going to cost me 10,000USD to get it fixed in the states…but Waterhouse management sponsored the procedure and I was able to get it completed in Bangkok for about 3,500.  And honestly—I could not have been happier with the care.

Grainne helped organize the entire Non-profit SAVE TUPTIM project–which was responsible for saving the life of Kru Nai’s 7 month old baby by raising the needed 50,000$ for charity.  People from all over the world donated, in addition to the generous donation of UFC President Dana White.

She has help lead other projects, like the surgical eye procedure needed to fix both of Kru Wat’s eyes.  Grainne helped work with the doctor offices to manage the surgical procedures needed, as well as coordinated with TMT staff on the requirements needed to make the dream a reality. The money for the surgery came from various fun raising activities and the donations of everyone able to get involved. Through the help of the entire gym, Kru Wat was able to afford a badly needed surgical procedure that he was unable to manage without charity.

As a gym it is nice to see TMT start actively looking to get involved in the lives of those within the community.

I was proud when the group rallied around Kru Nai’s baby–Not because of the International attention it received…but because it showed the true spirit of the atmosphere we create with the TMT Family.

It’s been demonstrated time and time again, regardless if it was Kru Wat’s eye procedures—>or a cash donation to Jonathan Chan following his decompressed skull injury…the gym has helped a friend in need, by pooling the resources of all available.

When I heard Kru Robert was going to be the team’s next outreach opportunity, I agreed with the choice.  Those of you who know ‘The Terminator’ will understand very quickly why he got that nickname…lol.  I still remember hearing about the fight where he injured his knee…and knowing the damage he has suffered…it amazes me that he is still able to walk…let alone teach.

250,000THB is a significant amount for anyone living in Thailand—let alone a ‘thai’…it is close to 8,000$…and unlike the USA they wont treat you until you pay the bill.

TMT Alumni-Friends-and Family…keep your eyes open for some upcoming events organized with the motive of fundraising enough money to pay for Kru Roberts knee surgery soon.