Monday, July 5th, 2010

*HELP*..Former TMT guest needs your support.

Here at Tiger Muay Thai—we really are a family, away from “your family”.  We are all on “vacation” and most of us come to Thailand without many friends/family to rely on.

Jonathan Chan recently spent 6 months training at Tiger Muay Thai.  During that time he was one of the most improved students in my MMA class.  He consistently showed up to class, and regularly pushed himself, and other teammates to achieve their goals.  Jonathan stayed at TMT for 6 months focusing on his Muay Thai, and MMA skills.  During that time he went 3-0 in BBQ Beatdown fights, including a Fight Of The Night KO over Chris from the UK.

Returning home to New Zealand he stopped off in Australia to compete in the Semi-Pro MMA event.

KO 9-MMA Mayhem, The event was held in Shepperden Australia.

Ahead on the score cards after two rounds, he suffered a possible career ending headkick, which lead to him losing via RNC.

Immediately following the fight a noticeable indention in his forehead warranted an ambulance ride to Melbourne for treatment for a decompression fracture of his skull.

Fighting for 100$, Jonathan is going to be without a paycheck during his rehab.

After a lengthy stay at TMT his savings was depleted, and while the Australian government provides health insurance he will be still be in debt several thousand dollars for the Ambulance ride.

As a favor to a friend in need TMT has put together a raffle to help raise money for Jonathan during his time in need.  A minimum donation of 200THB (No maximum) will get you a tix in the raffle.

Items being raffled off include

*Autographed WEC gloves by Muhsin Corbbrey

*MMA private with BJJ Black Belt Ray Elbe

*MMA Private with Martial Combat veteran Wiktor Svennson

*TMT  T-shirts

To make your donation, and get your raffle tickets please see the TMT Office Staff.

*Note: a minimum donation of 200THB is being requested, but amount can be given*…100% of all money earned will be given to Jonathan Chan during his time of need. Raffle will be held July 26th.