Saturday, December 18th, 2010

*HELP*…$50,000 in 4 weeks to save a the life of a child

Is it possible? Is it even worth trying to do?

For Muay Thai legend Rattanachai Jadngooluem…it is. This is a man who captured the Lumpinee Championship in 3 different weight divisons, never backing down from a fight… Now he needs everyone in the Martial Arts communities support to get the win.

Rattanachai’s 7 month old daughter Tuptim has been diagnosed with a BIlary Obstruction. Without adequate medical assistance from sadly overrun government hospitals, the condition has now been diagnosed as critical. The only option for Tuptim is a livertransplant as the liver has been damaged beyond repair.

Tuptim has now been admitted into ICU as she is bleeding internally. Doctors are worried that she will die before the New Year without immediate medical attention.  The problem is the price .

The costs are high starting… at 1.5 million Thai Baht or around $50,000. Other costs are involved after the
surgery due to the immunosuppressant drugs that each child needs for many years to follow. The bill for drugs for just one year runs in to tens of thousands of dollars. This means that this type of surgery is just not possible for the majority of Thai people.

Theaverage salary is somewhere between $150 and $300 per month. Dr. Sumat and his medical team provide the only access in the country to what is called Parental Donor Liver Transplant. This is a pioneering type of medicine that is not yet a standard procedure and can’t be carried out by most surgeons. During this operation part of the parent’s liver is removed and placed in to the baby. The liver is the only organ in the body that can regenerate which is what makes this type of surgery feasible.

Tiger Muay Thai camp has called an emergency meeting to help fundraise immediately for little Tuptim. Part of the team is Grainne Farrell, MD for Lotus Medical International. Along with the General Manager of Tiger Muay Camp, Will Elliott, Fundraising Leader Zena Ellaz and her team, Grainne will be charging ahead to fundraise the money required for this urgent operation.

Over the next few days Grainne Farrell, Zena Ellaz and Will Elliott (Tiger Muay Thai) will look in to setting up proper financial services to receive money for the baby.

Luke Richmond, who runs OLOC Adventures (a non-profit organization) has offered to take charity payments from corporations through his charity. For other smaller donations a Paypal account has been set up.

Donations can also be made through:

Due to the time constraints, this payment method was the quickest available and the team are working on a better solution, but time is not on their side.

Check out

Also a facebook page ‘Save Tuptim’ has been created.

This is the holiday season, if your financially not able to donate please offer your support and prayers, the fundraisers are hoping for a miracle that will save Tuptim’s life.

For media enquiries or any further enquiries regarding donations for the “Save Tuptim!” cause, please contact

Jacqueline Archer at or via website