Friday, January 24th, 2014

He almost got away with it @middleeasy

More than 30 years after hooded gunmen pulled a $6m airport heist dramatised in the hit Martin Scorsese movie Goodfellas, an elderly reputed mobster was arrested at his New York City home on Thursday and charged over the robbery and a 1969 murder.

I almost got away with it…I think just about everyone has seen Goodfellas, if not..get your google on and find a copy after reading this.  Well into their senior years Vincent Asaro and four others were arrested from the 1960’s…basically mobster stuff like murder, robbery, arson, extortion, etc… in federal court in Brooklyn.

Asaro is saying he is being framed by old Mob bosses.  One of the crimes he is being charged with is the Dec. 11, 1978 Lufthansa Airlines robbery, which was the largest cash theft in the history of the USA at the time.  Gunman stormed the airlines cargo terminal and stole 5 million of USD that was being received from Germany.  They also took about a million dollars in jewelry…AND NONE OF THE MONEY WAS EVER FOUND!!!

According to court papers, an unidentified mob associate who pleaded guilty and became a co-operating witness told investigators that he participated in the robbery at the direction of Asaro. The theft was hatched by James “Jimmy the Gent” Burke, a late Lucchese crime family associate who was close to Asaro, who told the bandits that he had a “score” that would make them rich.

The papers say that each robber was supposed to be paid $750,000, but the co-operating witness said that most did not receive their share, either because they were killed first or it was never given to them.

The papers say the co-operator wore a wire and recorded a conversation he had with Asaro in 2011 in which the pair discussed being slighted.

“We never got our right money, what we were supposed to get,” Asaro said, according to the court papers. “Jimmy Burke kept everything.”

Jimmy Burke would be the guy the book and Movie GOODFELLAS is based on

How many of you would like to see a movie made on Lee Murray

Alleged mobster Vincent Asaro charged over 1978 airport heistVincent Asaron taken by FBI agents. Photograph: Bryan Smith/Zuma Press/Corbis