Saturday, November 20th, 2010

Has this guy shown up in your BJJ Class?!?!

People really don’t understand ‘how fast’ the sport of MMA has become ‘mainstream’.

Think. 1993.  That was the first UFC…What other sport has grown this quickly in it’s first 20 years of promotional existence? Where was the NBA in the 60’s?

With the boom of the UFC…has also been the boom of “TUF Newbs”…guys who became a fan of the UFC from it’s hit reality show ‘Ultimate Fighter’.  The Tapout wearing–Neverback down watching–‘cool kid’.

While everyone is enjoying the benefits of having more people paying for gym memberships—learning Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, Wrestling, Judo, Boxing, and other combat martial arts…you can’t help but to complain from time-to-time when you get the guy who is training for all the wrong reasons.

To Quote the video…

“I want to train BJJ with you, but not actually pay anything. I want to train one or two times per month, I want to gas out after one round of rolling and just coach other white belts from the sidelines instead of rolling myself.  Then I want to take the $100 per month, that I’m not paying you, and use it to go to the bar with my friends when the UFC is on.  Then I will brag to them about how much I know about the ground game, even though I’m the worst white belt in the whole school. But I wont tell them that part!”

You get what you pay for..and BJJ is no exception.  With all the monthly membership fee’s–seminars–tournaments–instructional DVD’s– books–and hours spent on the mat…seriously…I prolly coulda become a doctor for the same price my BJJ Black Belt cost me…but I wouldn’t change it for the world.