Sunday, May 11th, 2014

Happy Mothers Day Veda Elbe!

Living on the Other side of the world from your family can be tough…especially during holidays.

Today is Mother’s Day, and I wanted to give my mom a special shout out, she really is my inspiration to continue evolving into a better, more moral person.

It’s crazy to think about all the sacrifices my mom made along the way, and continues to make in order to see my strive for the best in life. She has always been my biggest supporter, even when it looked like I was going down the wrong path at times.

Through her guidance I’ve learned so many life lessons, and her support and constant guidance is a huge part of all of the blessings I have in my life today.

While I’m traveling the world, I am always reminded that it is the skills she taught me as a kid that make it so easy for me to discover new cultures, evolve and adapt regardless of situations and continue growing into the man I’m destined to be.

Happy Mothers Day Veda Elbe, once my debit card arrives I’ll make sure you get some flowers :)
