Thursday, November 18th, 2010

Guess who I’m picking up @ the airport today!!!…

Royce Gracie! *WOOT WOOT*

…I gotta admit, even though I’m a BJJ Black Belt—and I’ve been training close to 10 years…I still get a kick out of the fact that Royce Gracie is coming to my school!…It’s like being a fan of the NBA and having Magic Johnson show up at your local park to shoot sum hoops and give you some pointers on you game.

A true living legend in the sport of MMA and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu—Royce was the ORIGINAL UFC CHAMPION winning tournaments (multiple fights in one night) at UFC 1,2, and 4.  Barely weighing 180lbs, Royce fought when there were no weight classes—and the only rules were no eye gouging and biting. (Yes you could punch in the groin and pull hair!!)  From his 90 minute marathon fight against Sakaruba in Japan—to his 1 minute dismantling of Ken Shamrock…Royce has proven time and time again the strength of BJJ!

I’ll be heading up to the airport around noon to pick up Royce and his entourage for the seminar tonight.  If you haven’t purchased your tixs for the event…you have until 5PM tonight.

Seminar starts at 6…and will go till 9PM.