Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Great customer service #naga


So I was actually planning on traveling this weekend to the South of France to compete in the very first ever NAGA event held in the city.

Do to the limited flight options from Kuwait and my limited planning—The chance to compete in NAGA has been postponed.

After originally planning on competing I registered and paid online, only to hours later realize the trip was going to be nearly impossible with prior commitments.

Sending an email to NAGA president Kip Kollar and his main man Joe Cuff, I managed to get a refund for most of the monies spent.

Usually when you pay online for anything you’re left with the costs no matter what the excuse.

I really appreciate the professionalism of the NAGA staff however, and with this experience will 100% compete in a future NAGA event.

Anyone heading to Monaco for the event–lemme know how it goes!! Khalid Al Saleeh of Combat Athletics will still be making the trip and competing however!