Saturday, January 15th, 2011

Got my tixs!!…Feb. 27th Sydney Australia…who is going to UFC 127?!

*BOOM*…The UFC is coming back down under…and MagicalRay is gonna be mad as a cut snake :)

Looking forward to watching TMT alumni Jon Fitch face BJ Penn live in Sydney Australia.  It’s going to be a fun weekend to catch up with friends.  Martial Combat Superstars Ross Dallow and Brayden Summers are going to be making the event…and I’m sure I’ll run into more than a few friends at the after parties.  OZZIE…OZZIE..OZZIE…OIH..OIH…OIH!!!

Speical thanx to Poppa Slice…Check out his MMA Clothing Store in Australia–he hooked me up with seats.

If your in Australia…go pick yo’ stuff up in person!

83B Baylis Street, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650
p: 02 69710527