Thursday, February 19th, 2015

Going Vegan…well almost!!!! @vegiliciousus

Okay, so I haven’t gone completely vegan, but as I’ve mentioned before on this blog, one of my goals in 2015 is to decrease the amount of meat and animal products I am consuming.  There are many benefits to this including being environmentally friendly, slimming your waist line while adding energy to your body,  and of course saving lives.

While I’ve been in California, the access to quality Vegan and Vegetarian cuisine is plenty.  This week I stopped into Vegilicous a vegan restaurant in Huntington Beach owned by a former wrestler from Japan.  The food was great with the owner of the restaurant waiting on the table himself.

I ordered a Teriyaki ‘burger’ with a side salad and black iced tea.  The total bill came to about 15$ for the meal, however the taste was amazing, and the environment was very friendly. I don’t mind more helping a local business, especially one as conscious about the environment as Vegilicious.

To check out their complete menu and location click here

