Sunday, January 11th, 2015

Giving a gift that gives back with @TorontoPigsave

So one of the things I’ve decided to really focus on this New Years is opportunities to give back to the community, or important causes that are around me.  I am committed to making 2015 a year of community activism, and service for those around me.

This year when I started thinking of Ideas to give out for Xmas gifts, I stumbled upon the Toronto Pig Save program, which is basically an animal rights group that is hoping to put “glass walls” on Toronto’s three slaughterhouses: their goal is to encourage people: to join and bear witness of the suffering of animals in transport and at slaughterhouses, to be daily animal activists, to protect the environment, to promote healthy living, to support farm sanctuaries, and to work towards a just transition for workers and the creation of meaningful and nonviolent work in a vegan food economy.—While I selected the Pig program specifically (My muslim friends would agree Pigs are not food!!!!), they also have programs established for both Cows and Chickens.

While I am not ‘vegan’–I do agree with the ideas of humane animal treatment.  I have also gone very vegetarian in my diet, still consuming some meat, but at greatly reduced volumes and working towards phasing more vegetarian and vegan style meals into my regular menu.–with knowledge comes understanding.

The Toronoto Pig save was a great opportunity for me to ship a few T-shirts to friends, knowing that the proceeds are going to be used to continue bringing light to a dark subject, the treatment of animals for slaughter…so even if they never wear the shirt (like most gifts, not getting used)—I know the thought behind the act will make a difference and be part of a larger cause.

Very few people realize how smart pigs actually are, behind the chimp, dolphins and elephants, Pigs are actually considered to be the 4th highest ranking in studies monitoring animal intelligence.  Studies have shown they have better memory and problem solving skills than a 3 year old child!  Pigs go through all the same emotions of people, feeling fear, sadness, empathy, affection and love. With a gestation period of 3 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days, the symbolic 333, really shows how special these creatures are.