Sunday, October 31st, 2010

Get blown!!!!

So my buddy Flickado is a kitesurfer…picked it up a lil’ while ago…and it’s a hobby that he’s really started to have a passion for.

I’ve never really surfed…(I know..shocker…bjj guy who doesn’t surf)…I just can’t get up at 6-7am to get the “good waves”.  Anyways–Flicker does a hybrid version of surfing where a kite is attached to a harness around your waist and literally pulls you into the air.

Seems really fun.  I haven’t tried it yet…cause I just don’t have the time…but today—after a great lunch at the Frendship Beach–Flicker showed us a few tips on how to control the kite.  I think Drewsaki is going to try and take a few kitesurfing lessons while he’s here in Phuket.

Check out the KiteZone for more details :)