Thursday, September 1st, 2011

Former Strikeforce Lightweight Champion to become big time MMA Coach?!

LOL…well…maybe only because he’s nursing an injury which forced him out of his Sept. 10th fight.

Former Strikeforce Lightweight World Champion and BJJ Black Belt Josh ‘The Punk’ Thompson headed down to Evolve MMA today with myself and Phil Baroni for a bit of last minute training.

Baroni, having done the majority of his training camp at the American Kickboxing Academy–brought The Punk along to help with the coaching responsibilities during his fight Saturday night  in Singapore.

In a bit of a ‘small world’ coincidence…Josh Thompson fought my College roommate in a Kickboxing match—back before ‘Strikeforce’ was doing MMA—prolly 2002-2003 sometime.  Thompson won the bout, which at the time was Kyle Brees first experience with a standup-only fight.

Baroni did 4 good rounds of shadow boxing, in addition to 3×5 rounds of rolling with me–and Josh coaching.

After practice we grabbed a bite to eat…and Josh told me he’s currently in the process of opening an AKA training center of his own…next time I find myself in NorCal…I’ll have to stop in and check out the gym!

Those of you in Asia…Don’t miss the Singapore Indoor Sports Arena Saturday night…it’s gonna be PACKED with SUPERSTARS…Anyone who is anyone in the Southeast Asian MMA scene is gonna be at the event!